IPROMASHPROM implements:
- Space activities. Design and survey works on creation of ground space infrastructure objects; Expertise of design documentation developed by space industries.
- Works concerned with the State secret data.
- Measures and (or) services to protect the State secret (specifically technical protection of the information). Designing of the objects in a protected configuration (premises with means (systems) subject to protection; premises for secret negotiations).
- Activities on fire prevention and extinguishing. Elaboration of measures for fire prevention. Design works on means to assure fire protection inside buildings and facilities.
- Designing of buildings and facilities of the Ist and IInd levels of responsibility concerning all chapters of construction documents including special chapters, at all stages of designing: substantiation of investments, conceptual design, design, detailed design, working documentation and others. Development of design documentation chapters to construct buildings and their facilities. General layout and transport. General layouts (general layout schemes) of the sites. Schemes and designs of engineering and transport infrastructure. Schemes (designs) of site improvements:
- planting;
- engineering site preparation.
Architectural solutions. Architectural part (layouts, sectional views, facades). Constructive solutions:
- foundations;
- bearing and filler structures.
Technological solutions. Public buildings and their facilities:
- educational facilities;
- buildings for scientific and research institutions, design and public organizations and man-agement;
- health and recreation buildings and facilities;
- sports facilities;
- buildings for trading enterprises, restaurants, consumer services;
- transport buildings meant for direct consumer services;
- communal services buildings (except production, warehouse and transport buildings and fa-cilities);
- multifunctional buildings and facilities including premises of different purposes.
Industrial buildings and their facilities: power engineering enterprises (except hydraulic facilities):
- electric power stations;
- heating plants;
- power grids and heating systems;
- energy distribution points;
- pumping facilities;
- boiler-houses;
ferrous metallurgy works:
- arc-furnace, converter, by-product-coke, power metallurgy plants;
- rolling mills;
enterprises of heavy power, transport, chemical, petrochemical machine building dealing with:
- metallurgy;
- heating and electrical building;
- hoisting equipment;
- compressor and refrigeration equipment;
- gas equipment;
machine-tool and machine-instrument industries dealing with:
- machine-tool;
- forging and foundry equipment;
- instruments and technological accessories;
electrical manufacturing, instrument making and radio industries dealing with:
- electrical equipment such as power transformers, condensers, rectifiers, electric motors, ca-bles of high- and low-voltage gear, lightening equipment;
- measuring devices, computers and office equipment;
- radio and communications equipment;
- components of electrical equipment;
interindustries dealing with:
- nonferrous, steel and iron castings, rolled iron;
- pneumoapparatus and hydraulics;
- mechanical reducers;
- dies, filters, hardware, fasteners, power industry production;
- equipment for buildings and facilities;
- refrigerators;
- warehouses, administrative, civil and laboratory buildings;
forestry enterprises:
- warehouses, secondary works;
woodworking industries:
- woodworking plants;
- factories manufacturing veneer, package, cane fiber boards;
- plants making prefabricated houses;
- factories making wooden furniture, rough parts and components; glass and whiteware industries manufacturing:
- structural glass;
printing industries:
- printing-houses, publishers’ buildings and warehouses;
construction materials industries manufacturing:
- cement;
- bricks;
- macadam;
- ceramic walling and structural ceramics;
- reinforced concrete constructions;
- cement-shaving boards;
- roof covering;
- free-flowing and sheet thermal insulators;
- ground limestone;
enterprises of light industry dealing with:
- dry-cleaning, dyeing and laundering of clothes and linen;
enterprises of medical industry making:
- medical equipments; enterprises of resource and technical supply:
- bases, warehouses; enterprises working on environmental protection and efficient nature management (environ-mental facilities):
- landslide protection;
- sewage purification;
- gas purification installations;
- debris destructors;
- installations for industrial debris purification;
- construction industries dealing with:
- concrete;
- reinforced concrete structures;
- asbestos-concrete production;
- asphalt;
- joinery;
- capital repair of construction and road machines;
- bases for everyday technical maintenance and repair of construction machines;
- warehouses of construction materials;
- solution preparing nodes; \
communications enterprises:
- communications lines;
- control and commutation assemblies;
- telephone exchange;
industrial facilities:
- underground facilities (retaining walls, basements, tunnels and canals, sunk shafts);
- capacities for liquids and gases (tanks for oil and petroleum products, gasholders);
- capacities for free-flowing materials (bins, bunkers, silos and silo facilities for free-flowing materials storage, char towers of by-product coke plants);
- overhead facilities (stacks and platforms, open crane trestles, detached supports and trestles of technological pipelines, galleries and trestles, unloading railway bridge);
- high-rise buildings (cooling towers, tower copra of mineral products extraction works, chim-neys, stacks, water tower, industrial furnaces).
Agricultural facilities and their systems: irrigational and land-reclamation systems:
- pump stations;
- water intake well; enterprises repairing tractors and agricultural machines:
- car repair services;
- motor repair services;
- tractor repair services;
- automotive electrical equipment repair services;
- agricultural machines repair services;
- warehouses and specialized stores of spare parts.
Transport objects and their facilities: railway enterprises:
- rolling stock repair depots;
motor transport enterprises:
- hauler facilities;
- fuelling stations;
- car repair services;
- car maintenance stations;
- car parking;
trunk pipelines:
- trunk pipelines for liquid and gas products (categories В, I, II, III, IV);
- pipeline facilities;
- oil and gas storages;
- gas distribution stations.
Specialized objects and their facilities: aerospace industries:
- terminals
- Engineering equipment, networks and systems
- Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning.
- Water supply and canalization.
- Heat supply.
- Gas supply.
- Frost supply.
- Power supply up to 35 kV inclusive.
- Electrical equipment, illumination.
- Communications and signalization.
- Installation of wireless and television.
- Centralization of control, automation and government of engineering systems.
- Mechanization and transport on object.
- Specialized chapters of design documentation
- Environment protection.
- Organization and conditions of work, production and enterprise management (for industrial en-terprises, buildings and facilities).
- Engineering measures of civil defense, actions on emergency cases prevention.
- Corrosion prevention of building constructions.
- Fire extinguishing, alarming and signaling systems, smoke protection, and people’s evacuation in case of fire.
- Intrusion protection system, video observation and control.
- Measures on securing of life activities of low mobile groups of the population
- Construction organization
- Estimate documents
- Observation of technical state of buildings and facilities
- Recommendations and conclusions based on the materials of technical reports of the observa-tions.
It is authorized to design the following buildings and their facilities: Residential buildings and their facilities:
- buildings with the height up to 25 levels inclusive;
- specialized types of dwellings (dormitories, residential houses for low mobile group of the population);
- Public buildings and their facilities
- Industrial buildings and their facilities
- Agricultural buildings and their facilities
Transport objects and their facilities including:
- streets and roads of local destination inside residential area
Hydroengineering installations and their facilities. Specialized objects and their facilities
For construction on the sites with geotechnical conditions
- I degree of complexity (simple)
- II degree of complexity (middle complexity)
With limited distribution of specific soils:
- permafrost;
- subsidence;
- swelling;
- organo-mineral and organic;
- saline;
- water-deposited;
- technogenic;
With limited development of natural processes:
- seismicity 7 and more;
- karst, suffosion.
- III degree of complexity (complex)
With distribution of specific soils:
- permafrost;
- subsidence;
- swelling;
- organo-mineral and organic;
- saline;
- water-deposited;
- technogenic;
With development of natural and man-caused processes:
- seismicity 7 and more;
- karst, suffosion.
- Field supervision on construction.
- General designer’s functions.
All foregoing activities are authorized by the corresponding LICENSES